November 28, 2011

My Favorite Models

This blog ultimately shows the preparation for my forthcoming website that will feature digital patterns. My homework consists of sewing with patterns created by others to get my sewing feet wet. So far this has been a labor of love. I'm learning what I like, and what I don't like.

I'm having fun visiting other 18-inch doll sites and finding accessories that will enhance my doll clothes. I have also purchased some beautiful pieces of fabric for formal wear and holiday attire. But my favorite "task" is photographing my little models.

Here are my favorite models: This is Kaiah. She will be assisting me with my doll clothes and doll clothes patterns. Kaiah has named her American Girl doll "Kaiah," we call her doll "Mini-Kaiah."

Although I won't be designing clothes for little girls per se, I will occasionally demonstrate how to make matching outfits for girl and doll by featuring a manufactured pattern that is adaptable.

Here's another view of both Kaiahs:

I also plan to feature a "Girls' Corner" to teach little girls how to sew simple doll clothes, like aprons and skirts. (I don't know too many boys who want to sew or play with dolls, but boys are also welcome.)

Please note: Both Kaiahs' hair were styled by their mommy.


  1. Hey guys,

    This is the perfect blog for anyone who wants to know about this topic. Doll clothes offers the highest quality clothes and hottest fashions for dolls. These clothes are perfect for all fashion lovers...

    1. Hi, the clothes are very cute on your site. Eventually, I'll be selling patterns, not clothes. But I'm always looking to see what is out there. I have several 18-inch dolls and I still shop for shoes and slippers.


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